This is the early morning of September 19th. I have been at my desk working on my blog for two hours. Now that I have finished, I stop and look at the weather for next week. It predicts the high temp on Tuesday will be 78 degrees (Fahrenheit).
Like most Oklahomans, I grow weary of the monotonous heat of the upper 90’s and 100-degree weather we suffer through in August and early September. Now, I look forward to more reasonable temperatures before we drift into winter.
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT)
Seasons Change
I look forward to the change of seasons each year. Winter jumps into spring with the rain that brings green fields and flowers bursting into many varied colors. Birds return with their different melodies, creating a chorus of sound along with breeze ruffled leaves on the trees.
Then spring rolls into the summer with its increasing heat, children are home during school break, and family vacations. Summer is swimming and outdoor time for the family.
Summer will drop into fall with its bright orange, yellow, and red leaves. Pumpkins, Halloween, and cold autumn rains mark this season. Hunters take to the fields and couples start walking their neighborhood streets to exercise.
Fall inevitably drifts into winter, which in Oklahoma is marked by gray skies, chilly winds, and brown grass. Occasionally, God will surprise us with a cleansing snowstorm or two. Winter is a time for crackling fireplaces, spiced apple cider, Christmas, and New Year’s.
Spiritual Seasons
Just as God created the earth’s seasons for us, there are also spiritual seasons we go through. I am not speaking of using spiritual seasons as an excuse, as some may do. “I haven’t felt the urge to pray for a while. It must be the season I am going through.” Or “I haven’t found the church I can call home yet, so I will not attend church. It must be the season I am going through.” And then there is, “I haven’t read my Bible in weeks. It must be the season I am going through.”
No, I am talking about true spiritual seasons. Distinct changes in our spiritual life that are as recognizable as our earth’s changing seasons. The Bible has a lot to say about seasons.
For Example:
“Although he did not leave himself without a witness, since he did what is good by giving you rain from heaven and fruitful seasons and filling you with food and your hearts with joy.” (Acts 4:17 CSB)
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will not cease.” (Genesis 8:22 CSB)
“For now the winter is past; the rain has ended and gone away.” (Song of Solomon 2:11 CSB)
God Created Physical Seasons as Examples for Spiritual Seasons
God created our physical universe in such a way as to show the spiritual world to us. Remember, the spiritual was in existence before God said, “Light be!” (Genesis 1:3) He created our universe with inflexible physical laws. Such as the law of gravity, which you violate at your peril!
There are physical laws found in scientific journals and textbooks, and there are spiritual laws found in the Bible. You must look in the right place to find what you seek. The spiritual laws include the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2) and the law of faith (Romans 3:27)
It is the same with the seasons. We have different seasons on earth to reflect the different spiritual seasons in our life.
OK. Even though I am a teacher, enough of this teaching stuff and back to my personal reflection.
My First Spiritual Season
My first spiritual season happened on September 8, 1968. Believe it or not, that abrupt season change took place in the presence of soon-to-be-elected President Richard Nixon. Yes, there is a story behind it. Just hold your horses.
It happened at Pitt Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Billy Graham held a 10-day crusade there. Billy Graham was deeply concerned over the riots during the Democratic Convention in Chicago, where he gave the invocation.
Richard Nixon was touring as the Republican nomination for President and joined Billy Graham for this one day. My father went because he wanted to see and hear both Billy Graham and Richard Nixon. (My parents were Republicans.) He took me and a friend along with him that night.
Why This Was My First Spiritual Season
It was on that September day in 1968 where I accepted Jesus into my heart. God came and filled my heart with His peaceful presence and from that day on I am marked with the circumcision of my heart. On that day I began this lifelong journey with Jesus.
From that moment on, my life would narrow to the laser-like focus I now have of Jesus first. Jesus only. Jesus always. Sure, there have been times I lived selfishly and just for myself. There were times I looked and acted more like a heathen than a child of God.
Through it all, God loved me and slowly but surely wooed me into a consistent life of faith and love for others. Yes, being born again was my first spiritual season.

My Second Spiritual Season
My second spiritual season took place the week of June 12-17, 1972, in Dallas, TX. It was EXPLO ‘72 sponsored by Billy Graham and Campus Crusade for Christ. Time magazine dubbed it the “Jesus Woodstock”. My cousin worked for Campus Crusade for Christ at the time and my uncle wanted to sponsor someone to go.
He chose me, so, off I went in a chartered bus all alone, not knowing a soul. It was an eventful week I will never forget. Mornings there were classes, in the afternoon hands-on practice, then every evening 80,000 of us met in the Cotton Bowl for singing, entertainment, and anointed speakers.
We would worship with shouts of “One Way for Jesus” while holding our index finger pointed to heaven in the “One Way” sign. There were many speakers. The one I fondly remember most is the pro football player who stepped up to the mike and said in his quiet voice, “I’m Roger Staubach, quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys.” He received a rousing standing ovation.
Roger spoke to us about the game of life and that our goal line was salvation. As a nod to his reputation of being a quarterback known for scrambling out of tight spots, Roger said, “I pray to God I’ll never gamble off the field with my immortal soul.” This event marked my life from that point on.
The Jesus Movement
I became a “Jesus People”. I read ‘The Jesus Person Maturity Manual’ by David Wilkerson, along with ‘The Cross and The Switchblade’. I also read ‘God’s Smuggler’ by Brother Andrew. I became a part of “Young Life” in my area.
Yes, I was a full-fledged member of the Jesus Movement, and its tenants are still the heart of my spiritual foundation.
Another Spiritual Season
My next notable spiritual season happened while I was in the Navy stationed at Great Lakes, IL. In November of 1979, I received a care package from home. It contained a letter, eighty-four cassette tapes, and a black leather Thompson Chain Reference Bible.
Even though I now own many study Bibles, the Thompson Chain Reference Bible is still my favorite after over forty years of use. Instead of giving you someone else’s commentary on what a verse means, the Thompson Chain gives only scripture references and allows you to come to your own conclusion. It has an ageless quality few bibles can match.
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That particular Bible and those tapes changed my life. My mother had laboriously copied each tape one at a time using two small black tape recorders so prevalent at that time. She used our old black kitchen table as her copying station. There were some tapes I could hear my mother washing dishes in the background and at least one of them I could hear my nephews playing in the background. Fond memories for a sailor away from home.
Those tapes were copies of Kenneth E. Hagin and Kenneth Copeland’s teachings. Suddenly, my Bible was no longer simply sixty-six books written in archaic King James vocabulary. The words took on life and power. They divided my soul and spirit, even discerning the intents of my heart. (see Hebrews 4:12)
I listened to those tapes for years until they broke due because of constant use. Now I have them digitally recorded on my computer and still listen to them regularly. They form the foundation of my spiritual knowledge and my spiritual life.
God Has Seasons Planned for Your Life
There is a perfect plan for your life. God designed it and wants you to walk in it. A life filled with hope, peace, and joy.
“For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 CSB)
Age gives us the advantage of hindsight. As time passes, we are allowed a clearer look at what God has done in our past. I can now see God’s hand and grace working in my life from the moment I was born. When it was happening, I rarely saw God at work. From a distance, though, it is clear.
The purpose of this personal reflection was to let you know God has seasons planned for your life. If you don’t see it, know now, you will see it more clearly from your future. Just have faith, trust, and confidence in God, and you will live a life marked by “God Seasons”.
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