Those Who Pray Will Always Know

Don't get caught not knowing what will happen. God desires His people to be aware of future events. Those who pray know what will happen. You can know. too
Those who pray are shown by a tattooed man with his head bowed in prayer.
Photo by Ric Rodrigues on Pexels

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3 CSB)

As I reviewed the scriptures concerning the birth of Jesus this year, two people jumped out at me. They are Simeon and Anna. You can review who they are in Luke chapter two, verses 21-38.
I find them interesting because when Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to the Temple on the eighth day, Simeon and Anna are the only ones who knew Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. Realize, this is the Temple. Many priests, Sadducees, and Pharisees are in the Temple daily. Yet none of them knew Jesus was their Messiah. All the religious leaders were clueless.

Each day, there are close to one hundred babies presented at the temple. Only Simeon and Anna knew this baby named Jesus was the Messiah. How is it possible only Simeon and Anna knew Jesus is the Messiah?

The secret to their knowledge is they prayed. Not casual just by rote prayers, but intense deep prayers. Both Simeon and Anna were praying for the Messiah to come. God, through the Holy Spirit, let them know Jesus is their Messiah.

God reveals what is to come to those who spend daily time in prayer. They are the ones to whom God reveals the future. He desires to reveal the future to His people. If only they would take the time to hear what He has to say.

The past events have indeed happened. Now I declare new events; I announce them to you before they occur. (Isaiah 42:9 CSB)

God desires to tell His people what is to come. He doesn’t want us to be caught unawares. The problem is that too few of His people are listening to what he has to say.

This depth of knowledge doesn’t come when you are praying while doing other things. God only reveals it to those that spend time alone with God in their prayer closet. They are the ones that will learn what is to come and how it will affect their lives.

I challenge you to daily spend time with God in your prayer closet. Expect him to talk with you by staying silent and listening. There is nothing wrong with talking to God, but you also need to take time to listen. He needs time to speak to you.


Father, I thank you that your desire is for me to know what is coming. You love me and don’t want me to be caught unawares. I am determined to daily spend time with you alone in my prayer closet. I will not only talk with you in my prayer closet, but I will also spend time allowing you to speak. I desire to know what you want me to know. Thank you for your grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Additional Scriptures:

James 1:5; Luke 8:17; Daniel 2:22; John 15:15; Proverbs 25:2; Amos 3:7; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Ephesians 1:9; Proverbs 4:18

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