What is the importance of renewing our mind? How vital is it for a Christian to do this? Is there any benefit to renewing our mind? How do I renew my mind? These are the questions that flew through my mind when I heard my first sermon preached from Romans 12:2. Since then, I have learned the importance of renewing our mind.
Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2 CSB)
Here is the key to renewing your mind with God’s Word: Don’t make God’s Word conform to your lifestyle. Make your lifestyle conform to God’s Word.
The Importance of Renewing Our Mind
Immediately, Romans 12:2 gives the reason for us to renew our mind. It is so we will not conform to this world. What does the word conform mean?
Conform – To be in accord or harmony; to comply; to be obedient; to submit. (from Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, PC Study Bible formatted electronic database Copyright © 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)
Our natural physical experiences in life cause us to conform to the current culture of the society we live in. Interactions with people, what we read, and what we hear can cause us to conform to what the world deems to be right.
Unless another influence causes a change. For a believer, the Word of God, other believers, and righteous ministers are to take precedence whenever the world’s culture and God’s righteousness conflict.
Why Should We Renew Our Mind?
Whenever the world’s culture and God’s righteousness conflict, we are to do God’s way of doing things. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” (CSB)
A simple definition of righteousness is: God’s way of doing and being right.
Therefore, if we are not to be conformed to this age, that means we are to be conformed to God’s way of doing and being right. This is why we need to renew our mind.
The purpose of renewing our mind is to give us the ability to think like God. Not in the immense way that He thinks, but in the smaller way we need for every aspect of our life.
For us to be successful as a Christian, we need to renew our mind to God’s way of thinking. His thinking and His ways are different from the world’s thinking and ways.
For instance, the world says to grab and keep everything you can to create wealth. God says to give, and it will be given to you. The world teaches us to climb on the back of others to get ahead and climb the ladder at work. God teaches us to serve others and consider them more important than you to rise to the top.
It is for reasons such as the two above that makes it necessary for us to renew our mind.

What Does It Mean to Renew Your Mind?
Renewing our mind is the process where we take the Word of God, put it in our mind, and then allow it to grow in our spirit. The renewing of our mind is all based upon the Word of God.
This makes the four primary practices of a Christian even more important for our success.
Here are the four primary practices of a Christian:
- Daily prayer
- Daily Bible reading of a chapter in the Bible
- Daily Bible study
- Weekly (or more often) attending a Word teaching church
Each of these four practices is vital to renewing our mind. These are the practices that lead us into renewing our mind.
How Do You Renew Your Mind?
In the last section, I have already introduced what we need to do to renew your mind. The purpose of renewing our mind is our personal transformation. As a Christian, our greatest desire is to transform from who we currently are into a closer image of who Jesus is.
The process of renewing our mind is what does this for us. Let’s take this one step at a time.
Daily Prayer
Every Christian endeavor must begin with prayer. This is how we communicate with our Heavenly Father. Prayer is a two-way conversation. We need to talk, but we also need to be still and listen. Give God a chance to respond.
Hearing God’s voice may take some time, but everyone can do it.
In prayer, God will lead and direct us on our path to renewing our mind. He will guide us to the most important thing to renew at that point in your spiritual growth.
Prayer will also allow Him to guide us to scriptures and other resources we need to renew our minds.
Make daily prayer a valuable part of your day.
You can learn more about prayer in my articles:
Powerful Prayers to Transform You Into Having a Bold Life View
Pray Without Ceasing: The Meaning for You & How You Do It
Daily Bible Reading
Read at least a chapter a day in your Bible. This will keep the well in your spirit full. Yet, it will do more than that.
The Spirit is the one who gives life. The flesh doesn’t help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:63 CSB)
God’s Word is spirit and life. Just as the physical body needs natural food, our spirit needs spiritual food. God’s Word is the spiritual food for our spirit.
If we don’t feed our spirit, it will become weak and emaciated. How can we do spiritual warfare if our spirit is weak and emaciated? Armies use a saying, “’An Army Marches on Its Stomach.” This means an army needs to be well fed to fight well.
It is the same with our human spirit. It needs to be well fed to fight well. You may take time off from feeding your spirit, but the devil never lets up on his attack. In fact, I believe the devil can spot an emaciated spirit the same way you and I can spot an emaciated person.
Daily Bible reading does more than just feed your spirit. It also fills your spiritual well: the repository of scripture in your spirit.
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. (John 14:26 CSB)
You need this well full to give the Holy Spirit something to work with. The Holy Spirit can’t remind you of what God said if you don’t have God’s Word in your spirit. Keep your well full so He has something to draw from.
Daily Bible Study
This is different from daily Bible reading. Bible study is when you take a verse or passage of scripture and study it to understand everything that verse or passage is saying.
I taught an easy method of Bible study anyone can do in my article: Bible Study for Beginners: The Simple Method For Young and Old
Church Attendance
This is vital for every Christian. God never created any “Lone Ranger” Christians. Fellowship is important for our spiritual development.
Not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25 CSB)
God commands us to gather together. This is the time when we can help each other in our spiritual growth. Others in the church have been where you are now and have faced the same obstacles. Let them help you as you are renewing your mind.
Of course, the teaching you receive in church helps you develop a better understanding of the Word. In this way, you advance much faster in the renewing of your mind.
Last, but not least, is the anointing that accompanies the gathering of believers. There are things that happen in the anointing that can’t happen when you are sitting in your living room watching the service on television.

The Result of Renewing Your Mind
What happens when you renew your mind with God’s Word? Instead of being conformed to the world, you are conforming to God’s image. You begin to think like God and to act like God.
Your worldview changes and becomes more in line with God’s worldview. Bad habits begin to disappear. Your mind starts dwelling more on thoughts of God and what He thinks and does.
There is a clear reason for all this happening. God tells us in Thessalonian 5:22 we are a spirit, we have a soul (which is our mind, will, and emotions), and we live in a body.
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely. And may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (CSB The emphasis is by the author.)
As we grow up in the world, our physical senses train us to be acutely aware of our physical feelings. This is reinforced by our emotions. Therefore, our soul is controlled through our body’s sensory feelings. The spirit man takes a back seat because he isn’t being fed or trained.
When we are born again with a brand-new spirit, then there is an opportunity for change. This change will come when we begin to feed our spirit man the word of God. Our spirit man grows strong and takes control.
At this point, our spirit man grows strong through the Word and begins to control our soul. Instead of living by feelings and emotions, we start living by the Word of God. Our spirit controls our soul and then, through our mind, controls our body. This is how God designed us.
Renewing Our Mind Makes Us Kingdom Minded
As we renew our minds daily, we become Kingdom minded. We start to think in terms of the Kingdom of God. We learn that our source of supply isn’t from this world; it is from heaven. Then money worries disappear.
We stop worrying about other things because the peace that passes understanding surrounds our mind. No more fear of death, because we know something better is waiting for us on the other side.
Love takes over and gradually we begin to love those we never could love before. The spirit of compassion begins to move us on a regular basis. We reach out and help those we ridiculed in the past.
This is all just a hint that is in store for us when we renew our mind with the Word of God. It doesn’t happen all at once. It is change that slowly comes into our life and thoughts.
The Challenge
I challenge you to begin the process of renewing your mind today. Make the Word a priority in your life. A chapter a day, 12 minutes of Bible study daily, and meditation will change your lifestyle and outlook from worldly to godly.
Begin the transformation into who God says you are.
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