A Bold Christian

Why Is The Fear Of The Lord Important To You?
Why is the fear of the Lord important? Read here to learn what the fear of the Lord means and how it benefits us. Included is a teaching about sleeplessness.

Faith As a Way of Life-Daily Living in God’s Grace
Living with your faith as a way of life will keep you in God’s grace. Every aspect of our life is to be lived by faith. Faith is the key to the impossible.

The Law of Faith Boldly Allows You to Live in The Fast Lane
Are you familiar with the law of faith? Just as there are physical laws, there are spiritual laws that govern the physical world. Put the law of faith to work.

Discover the Power of the Gospel In Your Transformation
The power of the Gospel is more powerful than we fully understand. Use the power inherent in the Gospel to transform you and to change your life. Use the power!

How Does The Righteous Flourish Like A Palm Tree?
Do you know the many ways the righteous flourish like a palm tree? Find out how God can elevate you from frustration and struggle to flourishing.

Wisdom is Supreme. Why is Wisdom the Principal Thing?
Wisdom is supreme. Getting wisdom is the principal thing. God’s Word is the ultimate source of wisdom. Learn how to apply wisdom to your life in this article.

What Is Your Season? The Powerful Secret
Every Christian goes through various spiritual seasons during their life. Recognizing what spiritual season you are in gives you power. What is your season?

Does God Still Heal? Your Answer to Healing
Does God still heal today? Will He heal me? Here is the biblical answer to what many people ask when they are sick and in pain. Get your answer from the Bible.

5 Steps to Change Your Future With A New Bold Life View
You can change your future and therefore, change your life. Start changing your future with these 5 steps. You can live more boldly for Jesus starting today.
Richard Affolder
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