What Does It Mean to Live a Bold Life?
What does it mean to live a bold life? To be bold requires confidence. Where you place your confidence matters. Confidence in God will create a bold Christian.
What does it mean to live a bold life? To be bold requires confidence. Where you place your confidence matters. Confidence in God will create a bold Christian.
Have you experienced being lost in the fog? I remember two times in my life when I was lost in the fog. You can get lost in the fog spiritually. Learn to find your way.
There are three necessary tools for improving you as a bold Christian. Believers are only effective when properly equipped. Equip yourself to handle every situation.
You can change your future and therefore, change your life. Start changing your future with these 5 steps. You can live more boldly for Jesus starting today.
Does God still heal today? Will He heal me? Here is the biblical answer to what many people ask when they are sick and in pain. Get your answer from the Bible.
Every Christian goes through various spiritual seasons during their life. Recognizing what spiritual season you are in gives you power. What is your season?
Wisdom is supreme. Getting wisdom is the principal thing. God’s Word is the ultimate source of wisdom. Learn how to apply wisdom to your life in this article.
Do you know the many ways the righteous flourish like a palm tree? Find out how God can elevate you from frustration and struggle to flourishing.
The power of the Gospel is more powerful than we fully understand. Use the power inherent in the Gospel to transform you and to change your life. Use the power!
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I do not capitalize the name “satan” in my writing. He neither deserves the honor or respect that entails.