5 Steps to Change Your Future With A New Bold Life View

You can change your future and therefore, change your life. Start changing your future with these 5 steps. You can live more boldly for Jesus starting today.
Changing Your Future. An escalator at night surrounded with glass.

Change Your Future

Do you think about how to change your future? Have you ever felt timid and unsure in living your life? Do you feel like a pawn and life is swirling around you like leaves in a fall breeze? Circumstances are pushing you this way and pulling you that way. Nothing seems to go right, and you are exhausted, unhappy, and miserable.

All around you, everyone seems happy and in control of their life. Everything seems to go their way. They are getting promotions. Their stuff isn’t breaking down all the time. The perfect family seems to be theirs. Their life looks like a Norman Rockwell painting – everything is perfect.

You can change your life

It is time to change your life. Your life doesn’t have to be this way. You can change your life and your future in 5 easy steps. You, too, can experience a bold life view instead of feeling like a pawn. Joy and confidence are within your reach.

5 Steps to a Bold Life View

   1. Realize the devil is lying to you

   2. Know Who your God is

   3. Spend time with God

   4. Spend time in God’s Word

   5. Know who you are

If you will do these five steps, you will not only change your circumstances, you will change your future. They are not hard. You will find God will start moving in your life making it much easier. I am not promising if you do these five steps that your life will be trouble-free. I am promising you, if you will do these five steps, you will live life with more joy and confidence than you have ever experienced before.

Do these five steps and you will build a bold life view and change your future.

Step One – Realize the devil is lying

The very first step is to realize the devil is lying to you. It is negative thoughts creating exhausted, unhappy, and miserable emotions. It is the thoughts and resulting emotions that make you feel timid and unsure about your life.

Negative thoughts are never from God. “How do I know that?” you might ask. Because God tells us they are not His thoughts. “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8 NLT)

God tells us to fix our thoughts on these things because they are His thoughts.

The Father of Lies

The negative thoughts are from Satan. That means they are lies. The devil is unable to tell the truth. Jesus told the Pharisees, “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44 NLT) 

We need to realize that any thought we have which conflicts with the Word of God is not the truth; it is a lie. How do we deal with lies? Paul instructs us in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” (NKJV)

We are to judge our thoughts and imaginings in light of what Scripture says. Every one of our thoughts and imaginings that are lifting themselves higher than the Word of God, we are to cast down. Rebuke them in Jesus name and cause them to flee. Fill your mind with The Truth only.

Step Two – Know Who Your God Is

You need to know Who your God is. Buddha is not God. Allah is not God. Brahman is not God. The god of this world is satan, but he isn’t God. Buddha can’t lead you to the Father. Mohammad can’t lead you to the Father. New Age spirituality can’t lead you to the Father. Only Jesus can show you the Father.

The beginning of the process is knowing Who God is and knowing Who can show you God The Father. Jesus is the only One Who can show you the Father. 

Looking for God-or Heaven-by exploring space is like reading or seeing all Shakespeare’s plays in the hope that you will find Shakespeare as one of the characters… – C. S. Lewis

There is only one True and Living God. He is the Creator of heaven and earth and all that is on the earth. He spoke and the universe immediately existed. Those very same words keep the universe and all it contains in existence. 

The One and Only God is revealed in our Bible from Genesis to Revelation. There is none like Him. Open your Bible and learn Who God truly is. Drink of His goodness, savor his mercy and dwell in His grace. He is the God Almighty. El Shaddai, the God That is More Than Enough.

Open Your Bible

You can see God in all that is about you. He is evident in all creation. Just the preciseness in which our world functions and operates shows anyone with eyes to see there is a God.

But, it is when you read the pages in your Bible that God begins to be revealed in all His splendor. As you read, His character and attributes will be revealed bit by bit. This is when God reveals Himself to man in His own words.

As you learn Who God is, you are building an unshakable foundation for a bold life view. 

You are bold not because of who you are, but because of Who He is.

This is the way God designed us. We are to be bold in our view of life and the world. No need to fear when you have God on your side. No matter what is happening around you God is with you. When you know Who He is, then you can be bold.

Do you find studying the Bible confusing because you don’t know where to begin? Learn about the Easy Bible Study Method HERE.

Frustrated by the massive variety of Bible study resources. See my Recommended Resources HERE. I have separated them into Free Resources, Basic Resources, and Advanced Resources.

Step Three – Spend Time with God

Once you increase your knowledge of Who God is, you become eager to spend time with Him. How do we spend time with a God that is a spirit and invisible to human eyes? Through prayer.

John Wesley said, “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.”

What is prayer? It is more than blessing a meal or a few words before you go to sleep. Every one of our prayers is important. We should be praying all the time. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Spending time with God is more than praying, though.

Spending time with God goes deeper than that. How would you feel if the only time your child came to you was when they needed something? If their asking for something were the only words you heard from them? Or, if not asking, they spent all the time with you in a monologue about everything going wrong in their life?

“We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power. We have a great deal of activity, but we accomplish little; many services but few conversions; much machinery but few results.”  R. A. Torrey 

Spending time with God includes prayer, a deeper prayer. It is a prayer that is more than talking to God. It includes being silent and listening to God. Most Christians never hear the voice of God because they have never been taught how to listen.

Silence scares most people. Which is why salespeople use it to great effect. They will ask you to buy, then quit talking. They know the first person that speaks loses the battle.

Meditation is Important

When spending time with God, talk to Him. Pour your heart out to Him. Then sit silently and wait for Him to speak. Not vocally, because our physical ears can’t hear the spiritual. Listen for His voice inside you, speaking to your heart.

Meditation is a part of spending time with Him. I often read a portion of scripture. Then I will silently meditate on the passage, allowing God to speak to me through it. This is how I learned to hear and recognize the voice of God.

Spend time with God. Do it alone – just Him and you. Do it purposefully in a quiet place. This isn’t prayer while driving or doing something. This is intentional time spent with God. 

Learn more about meditating on scripture in my article here: Meditate Scripture



As you spend more and more time with God, your confidence builds. As your confidence builds, so do your trust and reliance. As your trust and reliance build, so does your bold life view. 

Step Four – Spend Time in God’s Word

This is different and distinct from reading the Bible to learn Who God is. This is learning about our purpose in God’s plan. How we are to act while living in this world. This is spending time in God’s Word to learn our response to those around us. 

This isn’t for wimps. This is for those who know Who God is and have a deep desire to please him. You are now reading and studying with the determination to act like Jesus in everything you do.

The very practice of reading [the Bible] will have a purifying effect upon your mind and heart. Let nothing take the place of this daily exercise. Billy Graham

When spending time in God’s Word our object is to conform to what God says. We must never try to change the Word to fit our lifestyle, but, instead, change our lifestyle to fit what God says.

You can’t do this by plucking a card out of a memory verse box each morning. This is something you intentionally do. This is when I take notes on what I learn.

Prayer Journal 

This is when a prayer journal can be a valuable tool. A prayer journal is used to record the scripture. Then you can record your thoughts about the passage. Next, you note what God tells you about the passage. Finally, you write an action plan to do what you learned.

Learning how to act in accord with what God says will cause you to follow His path. Walking on the path God designed allows us to walk boldly and confidently, no matter where the path leads.

You can buy prayer journals at discounted prices on Christianbook.com

You can also find a broad selection of prayer journals on Amazon.com


Step Five – Know Who You Are

This final step is vital. We must know who we are In Christ. Who we are in Christ is what makes the difference. Paul told us, “And you are complete in Him.” (Colossians 2:10 NKJV) So, with us being complete in Christ, shouldn’t we know what this means and what it includes?

Every believer is in Christ. He is the head, and we are the body. We are united with Christ and bound to Him. His spiritual DNA flows through us.

There are at least one hundred and thirty scriptures that tell us who we are in Christ. Take your time and go through the Bible, electronic or print, and highlight all the verses that tell you who you are in Christ.

In Christ

Look for all the verses that say, “In Him, in Whom, with Him, With Whom, etc.” Use a different color highlighter than you use for anything else. This will make it easy for you to review them and meditate on them. Build a solid foundation of who you are In Christ.

Knowing who God says you are will build confidence and boldness. You realize with God’s power you can accomplish everything God has planned for you. It also dims the voice of the accuser of the brethren, satan.

He will try to tell you what a sinner you are and all the wrong you have done. He will rehearse every failure you have ever had. Just remember – satan is a liar.

You are no longer who you use to be. Just take a scripture that says who you are in Christ and read to the devil out loud. Remind him of who you really are. Do that, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

Everywhere you go, you and God are a majority.


There Are Five Easy Steps to Creating a Bold Life View:

   1. Realize the devil is lying to you – knowing lies can’t hurt you

   2. Know Who your God is – Knowing Who has your back

   3. Spend time with God – Knowing God’s character and attributes

   4. Spend time in God’s Word – knowing how to act like Jesus

   5. Know who you are – knowing who God created you to be

With these five steps, you will change tomorrow and your future. Timidity and insecurity will melt away. They will be replace them with confidence, boldness, and complete reliance upon God. It doesn’t happen overnight. It happens over the rest of your life.

Develop a Bold Life View! Nothing can stop you when you know! You can change your life. 


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Picture of Richard Affolder

Richard Affolder

I am an author, blogger, Bible teacher, and preacher. My purpose is to lead believers into a deeper relationship with God, resulting in them becoming A Bold Christian. The goal is "Living All Out For Jesus". We can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Philippians 4:13

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