We Boast In Tribulation

Jesus said we would experience tribulation. Paul instructs us to boast in tribulation. How can you boast in tribulation? Here is how you can boast.
Boast in tribulation. Lightening flashing over a field and trees.
Photo by Flash Dantz on Unsplash

And not only that, but we also boast in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. (Romans 5:3-4 CSB)

“We boast in our tribulations, not of our tribulations,” said Pastor Kenn. This simple statement started my thought process. “Why do we boast in our tribulations and what is there to boast about?”

First, let’s understand the word tribulation. Many translations use affliction just as the CSB does. Others use troubles, suffering, problems, and trials. They all mean the same. Tribulation is anything that causes you great pain or suffering. This can be many things. Children who have gone astray, sickness, disease, financial loss, and lack are just a few examples.

The word “boast” is an excellent English word to use in this verse. Other translations use the words: glory, rejoice, exult, and celebrate. Each of these words expresses the idea of excitement.

Why do we boast in our tribulations? Here we are, in a situation that is causing us to suffer, and we are told to boast while suffering? This doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Jesus told us we would have tribulation in this world. (see John 16:33) He also said we are to be in peace because He has overcome the world. When you are in tribulation, the difference-maker is what you say and how you act.

Therefore, when you are in tribulation is the time to boast about God. “Yes,” you may ask, “But what is there to boast about God when you are in tribulation?” Psalm 34:19 is a good place to start your boasting. “
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (NKJV)

During tribulation is when you can say in faith, “My Lord has brought me through past tribulation, and He will do it again.” Our boast when we are in tribulation is all about God, what He has done, and what He will do.

We don’t boast of the tribulation itself. God didn’t cause the tribulation because God doesn’t cause pain and suffering to His children. That would be child abuse.

Suffering from tribulation has two sources: our bad choices and/or satan. This is why we don’t boast of our tribulations. Boasting of our tribulations doesn’t bring glory to God, it brings glory to the source of tribulation. Who wants to boast of their bad choices or of how satan tricked them?

So, when tribulation comes, and it will come, boast of God in your tribulation. Boast of how He gives you strength to endure. Boast of how He always brings you through the tribulation to becoming a better person which is more like Him. Boast of how God is with you and never leaves you.

Go ahead, boast, glory, exult and show joy while in tribulation. How you act during great suffering and pain is a witness to all those watching you. Your actions will cause them to want what you have.

God deserves our boasting because He is the Rock of our salvation.


Father, I come to you with praise and thanksgiving in my heart, for You are the Rock of my salvation. I put my complete trust, reliance, and confidence in you. Please, when I go through tribulation, remind me that You are always there. I will continuously boast of You, what you have done, and what You will do while in my tribulation I know that You are always with me and will never leave me. Therefore, I will also boast of that, too, in my tribulation. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance that will bring me through to the other side, a better person developed into an even more likeness of you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


John 16:33: 2 Corinthians 12:9; Romans 8:19; Psalm 119:71; Philippians 4:6: James 1:2-4

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I do not capitalize the name “satan” in my writing. He neither deserves the honor or respect that entails.

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