The Measure of Faith

Every believer starts with the measure. What have you done with your measure of faith? What are you going to do with your measure of faith?
Measure of Faith. A picture of a wood box in an old mill containing yellow corn seeds and a metal scoop for measuring grain.
Picture by Richard Affolder

The measure of faith is the starting point of faith for every believer. God gave each of us the same measure of faith. God doesn’t favor one person over another. He gave Billy Graham and John Piper the same measure of faith He gave you and me. What makes the difference is what we do with our faith.

… as God has distributed a measure of faith to each one.” (Romans 12:3 CSB)

Why did He give us His faith? Not just for the purpose of being born again or saved. God gave us faith for us to live by. Faith is more than a belief in God. Even the demons believe in God. (see James 2:19) Faith is to be a lifestyle for the believer.

But the righteous one will live by his faith. (Habakkuk 2:4b and quoted in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38)

Whenever God repeats something four times in His Word, I take it seriously. If God commanded us to live by faith, then that is what we do. We never try to make the Word of God fit our lifestyle. We make our lifestyle fit the Word of God. This makes faith a lifestyle: a way of life.
(To learn more about the lifestyle of faith, you can read my full article HERE.)

The question now is: What are you going to do with your measure of faith? Are you going to use it or will you let it sit idle? Faith operates spiritually, much like a muscle does physically. Use a muscle – put stress on it – and it grows.

Use your faith – put stress on it- and it grows. Trials, tribulation, and persecution give you the opportunity to grow your faith. It all depends on what you do when trials, tribulations, or persecution come.

Do you respond from your mind or emotions, or do you respond with the Word? You have a choice about how you respond. Go to the Word first and find the proper response there.

Take your measure of faith and use it. Make it a lifestyle. Walk by faith and not by sight.


Father, please show me how I can walk in faith more perfectly. My desire is to please you, and I know it is impossible to please you without faith. Teach and guide me as I study your Word. Let me learn to walk in your ways as I live in faith. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Additional Scriptures

Romans 12:6; Hebrews 11:6; Ephesians 4:7; Psalm 86:11; Psalm 25:4-5


If you want more information about faith, here are some of my other articles:

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