Share the Greatness of God With Your Children

We must share the greatness of God with our children. Just not exploits in the Bible, but exploits in our life too. Teach them God is doing exploits today.
The Greatness of God. A picture of a mother and child sitting on a couch. There is a white throw over them and resting on white pillows with a window in the background.
Picture by Andrea Piaquadio on Pexels

Understand today that it is not your children who experienced or saw the discipline of the Lord your God: His greatness, strong hand, and outstretched arm; Your own eyes have seen every great work the Lord has done. Deuteronomy 11:2&7

This devotion goes along with last week’s devotion are about teaching our children. We need to share with our children the exploits God has done, not only in our life, but in the lives of others. They haven’t seen the exploits of God personally.

The best place to start is where most of us do begin – with the Bible. Sharing Bible stories is an excellent way to teach about the greatness of our God. As they get older, they can pick up their Bible and read about the exploits for themselves.

More Than Bible Stories

But this isn’t good enough. Our children need to know the exploits He is doing in our life and the lives of people they know. We need to share our stories with them.

Therefore, our children will not only know the greatness of God written in our Bible, but they will also know the greatness of God in our life. This makes God personal for them. In this way, we can teach them to expect what God has done before – He will do it again.

Don’t neglect this important aspect of their teaching. Let their faith grow and blossom as they learn of what God is doing today.

It could be the time God provided the exact sum of money right at the time of need. Or maybe when God healed Sister Sue when the doctors said she would die. How about how the Holy Spirit helped you find the keys you misplaced?

Creative Ways of Sharing God’s Greatness

There are many times God has helped us, and we need to be sharing that. We can be creative and share them in more ways than verbally.

You can share a story of what happened in your life and have your children draw a picture of the event. Do this with every story you tell, and you can create a storybook of God’s exploits in your life. Your children and you will read it throughout your lifetime.

You could also write some stories of the exploits God has done in your life and the lives of people you know. Use simple to understand language and make this into a book. It will quickly become their favorite bedtime book.

Share the stories by either you or your children acting out the events. Ham it up and make the story extravagant. It will make it more memorable.

Be creative and share God’s exploits with your children. Help them learn the greatness of God not just in Bible times, but in lives today.

…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32b CSB)

(We also must teach our children what the Bible says and how to study the Bible. I wrote an article about Bible study. It is an easy method for young and old, and is a simple way to teach your children the Bible. You can find the article HERE.)


Father, forgive me for not fully sharing Your exploits with my children. Please give me the words to say. I ask for your ideas, concepts, and insights to share Your greatness. Help me be creative. I thank You for your help. I thank You for my children and I will raise them to know You fully. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Additional Scriptures

Psalm 86:8-10: Ephesians 1:19; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Jeremiah 10:6; Nehemiah 1:5; Isaiah 12:6


See also last week's devotion:

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